What if man wasn't the last place to hide? What if Dinosaurs were not yet extinct?
What if man was thrust into a world he did not understand? What is it like to be at the end of the food chain?
Maverick Captain Hudson Meyer and his crack team of Technicians, scientists and engineers scout the universe to further human endeavour and commercial enterprise.
Without warning their mission is abruptly interrupted, plunging Hudson and his team into a deadly dilemma. Facing increasing dangers the crew must steal themselves against overwhelming odds.
As the battle for survival becomes evermore perilous can the crew trust Hudson to determine their fate or will they succumb to a terror beyond their imagination?
A personal perspective
Steve Milsom
I have always had a passion for books and movies and with the advent of Star Wars in 1977 at the age of eight I recognised it was possible to invent your own world where anything was possible.
It was many years before I felt able to put my ideas on paper but so it was in 2017 that I joined a local writing club and wrote the first paragraph of what would become 'Mandarin Doom'.
This is my first novel, one I crafted from my own influences and exposure to such great films such as The Thing, Alien and Jurassic Park. I felt these tropes were timeless and still held a certain fascination but I wanted to take them in an entirely new direction. Movie franchises tend to become remakes or parodies of themselves and I felt that I could use successful and popular mechanisms and weave them in a new direction.
With Mandarin Doom I hope I have at least breathed new life into the concept of a monster saga.
So it was that Hudson Meyer was awakened from Hyper-sleep...
Available in Paperback and eBook now from www.amazon.com
Mandarin Doom:
The Characters
When writing Mandarin Doom I was immediately drawn to the characters as well as their perilous situations. Part of developing the crew of the Mandarin was to create a mix of believable, everyday individuals with whom a broad range of readers could connect and identify with.
Hudson Meyer
The irascible captain is our reluctant hero, In charge of the Mandarin, a deep space exploration vessel capable of undertaking missions between two and four years.
Hudson is styled on a rugged but good-looking forty something and brings a certain charm to proceedings.
Alex Bailey
Feisty Alex grew in strength on the tips of my fingers as her role in the story grew ever pertinent. Naturally enough, she commands her own agenda and provides a suitable foil to the male dominated crew of the Mandarin.
Thompson Kruger
Tommy developed from a desire to set up a loner and someone with a disparate view to convention. I decided to augment his friendship with his buddy Adam Fox and in doing so developed a deeper bond between the two men.
Charlie Ingram
Charlie emerges as Hudson's right hand man. Not always his sidekick, retaining a useful edge to Hudson's more hopeful endeavours, he provides an intelligent and practical character to drive the narrative forward.
Laron Medes
Laron is everyone's favourite gangster. Sleazy for sure, but providing enough class, cunning and a charm of his own I thoroughly enjoyed writing this guy.
Vena Vensis
Vena developed from t the darker side of my brain that kept reminding me some individuals will always be remembered for their physical characteristics. Vena exudes a ruthless glamour that made her the perfect partner for Laron Medes.
Mandarin Doom - The Vehicles
Throughout the creative task of developing Mandarin I always held a strong passion for the look and feel of the narrative.
With my background in Industrial design and a passion for conceptual design I created the look for all the vehicles used in Mandarin Doom.